School Gateway
Online Payments for School Dinner and School Mobile App
Dear Parent/Carer:
As you may be aware, parents of Soar Valley students have the facility to make payments for school dinners online. This online system allows you to see what money is being spent on in our Dining Hall, whilst paying flexibly at a time that suits your schedule. Using this same system allows parents to message the school directly and see assessment data about their child.
This facility is run by an external provider called SchoolComms, which is free for parents and very easy to sign up for. All you need to sign up is the email address and contact number that you provided us with.
In order to access the School Gateway we must have valid and up to date contact details for you, including an email address. If you think the contact details we hold for you may be incorrect, please call the main office at the number below to update them before accessing the School Gateway for the first time. To set up your school gateway account please follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. When you visit the School Gateway website for the first time, please select ‘New User’ and enter the email address and mobile telephone number you have registered with the school
3. The system will send a PIN code to your phone; please enter this PIN code and your account will be activated for you.
As soon as you have got the system set-up, you’ll be able to pay money directly to the school online. Once you have setup your account you will then be able to download the free School Gateway App for use on Android or Apple smartphones and tablets. To download this App please go to the App Store or Google Play and search for School Gateway, then follow the on screen instructions.
If you have any queries regarding SchoolComms or the features available through them, please feel free to contact Mrs Lad on the main school number who will be able to answer any questions that you have.
Yours thankfully,
Mr N. MacDougall
Vice Principal