Bullying is “Behaviour by an individual or group usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally".
At Soar Valley we do not tolerate any form of bullying whatsoever. Our anti-bullying policy is available to view on the school website.
We take bullying very seriously and as a community we are working together to prevent this from happening. To help us achieve this we have 20 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who are regularly promoting anti-bullying at Soar Valley. They have designed personalised anti-bullying posters which are on display in all classrooms and around key areas of the college, they have presented anti-bullying assemblies to all year groups and raised awareness of anti-bullying through newsletters and attending various anti-bullying conferences.
We are very proud of everything they are doing to make Soar Valley a bully-free zone!