
Every student who enters Soar Valley is assigned to a year group under the overall control and guidance of Heads of Year and Assistant Heads of Year supported by the relevant Assistant Vice Principal (standards and achievement). The day to day welfare (or "pastoral care") system of the College is based on the Form Tutors. The Form Tutors, who usually move through the College with their forms, take responsibility for the well-being and progress of the students in their form. They check their attendance and punctuality, their appearance, their attitude to work and their behaviour. They advise students who have problems, offer them support and, when necessary, consult parents. At Progress Review meetings they discuss individual student's reports and help set targets with parents.

If parents are in any way concerned about their child's well-being or progress, they are urged to get in touch with the College promptly. In most cases the Form Tutors and the Head/Assistant Head of Year can help most since they usually know the students best but other staff are always willing to see parents to discuss their concerns. Parents are however asked to make appointments whenever possible since teachers have heavy commitments and cannot always make themselves available if parents visit the College without notice.

Each year group has a weekly assembly in the College Hall, with Form Tutors and the Head of Year present. Others, including outside speakers are invited during the course of the year.

"A Real Partnership" 
We believe that the happiness and success of students in College depends heavily on parents and teachers working together. We have a Home-School Agreement that recognises the importance of this partnership. We encourage parents to take an active interest in the development of the College and in the progress of their child. To this end we seek to keep them informed, usually by letter, of events going on in College, of the College's achievements, of their child's progress and of any particular problems we might be having. We also encourage parents to keep us informed as to the development of their child and never to let worries or concerns linger. Very often what can appear to be a major problem can be solved by a phone call or visit to College. We are always ready to talk with parents, discuss their concerns and help in any way we can. We hope that in this way we can forge a real partnership from which the College and all of its students must surely benefit.

Excellent attendance and punctuality are essential for all students. If, however, a student is not well enough to attend school, the Welfare Office should be contacted at the first possible opportunity. If a student is likely to be away from College for more than three days for illness or any other reason, parents are asked to inform the College in writing, a medical certificate may also be given where ever possible.

On the first day of absence a phone call home will be made by the Welfare office through the Keep Kids Safe automated service.