Extra Curricular

Extra-curricular activities are an important and exiting feature of school life and contribute enormously to our students’ social and academic development. Clubs provide opportunities to try new things, build friendships outside of the classroom and develop existing skills and interests.

There is an extensive menu of free extra-curricular activities on offer with opportunities to take part in workshops, clubs and activities as well our many House competitions. We also offer students the chance to experience different cultures through our wide range of national trips and visits to educational venues linked to curricular areas. We intend our students to readily enjoy these experiences and relish the unique opportunities that they are given to extend and expand their learning.

We are pleased to now be able to offer the opportunity for our young people to not only complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in year 10 and 11 (Bronze, Silver and Gold awards) but also now in Year 9 (Bronze)

Soar Valley College has built an impressive reputation for excellence in sport and the Arts. Extra-curricular groups benefit from working with professional coaches and artists and we regularly field teams in a range of sports with students participating in competitions and tournaments at both city wide and regional levels. The Arts are becoming a thriving hotbed of activity with students being able to access and experience a broad and eclectic range of art forms at the highest level. Students perform or exhibit their work in school, as well as in the many professional arts venues across the city to showcase and celebrate their talent.

During their time at Soar Valley College, every student will be given a participation passport and are expected to log their hours spent volunteering, leading, or taking part in the vast array of clubs and activities that are on offer.


Further details can be found by clicking on the relevant links below:

All Extra Curricular Opportunities

House Competitions link
Duke of Edinburgh Award 

Leicester City School Sport and Physical Activity Network