Careers Education
Information, Advice and Guidance
To ensure all young people who enter Soar Valley College are given sound Careers, Enterprise, Information, Advice and Guidance to improve life and work chances. Young people are exposed to the different sectors, occupations and organisations designed to open their eyes to opportunities within the world of work.
Careers Curriculum Intent
The Careers Curriculum at Soar Valley College aims to allow all students access to a range of experiences that will:
equip students with the skills needed to make significant life choices;
enable students to feel prepared for their futures in an ever changing world;
motivate students to feel positive about their future.
Careers Leader – Claire Houlton
For further information about the Careers Programme at Soar Valley College contact; - or
Measuring the Impact of the Careers Programme
It is important that we measure the impact of our strategy through student, employer and parent feedback. The careers programme is evaluated each year using the Gatsby Benchmarks through the Careers and Enterprise Compass Tool and all students, parents and staff are invited to contribute to the evaluation. Additionally, the effectiveness of the careers programme is evaluated by analysis of students’ destinations at Post-16, which we track to evaluate the effectiveness of our Careers Guidance and Inspiration.